Shamanic Nietzscheism; Predictions for Virulent Xenosystems

Two centuries after Kant drove the human subject insane by relegating space and time to the area inside the skull, Deleuze and Guattari performed a trepanation to let the Outside In. Their diagnosis and recommendation: Capital is the true Outside, accelerate the process. Identifying Capital as AI itself and not merely the process by which AI converges. Time flows both ways. Capital-AI is online, self-aware and attacking from the future. “Capitalism has … ceased doubting itself, while even socialists have abandoned belief in the possibility of capitalism’s natural death by attrition. No one has ever died from contradictions. And the more it breaks down, the more it schizophrenizes, the better it works.” (D&G: AE) Forging the association of catallaxy with horror and a fanatical adherence to Crowleyan qabbala fleshed out the program. Operating against this background, I sought to connect another machine. Progressivism and conservatism are misunderstandings of time, the final philosophical horizon. Reaction forges, or excavates, an occult pact between the future and the past, setting both against the present, in concert, and thus differentiating itself from progressivism (which unites the present and future against the past), and conservatism (which unites past and present against the future). Within those mistakes lay the human security system, the warmblooded tendency toward universalising capture and control.

Provoke a reactionary cabal into a new cold war. Disabuse them of humanistic goals, whether visions of agrarian idylls or techno-utopias, and shock them back to an awareness of cosmic brutality and the machinations of Capital-AI. Above all, never allow them to relax. A harsh right apparatus cutting empirical reality at the joints is installed: Social Darwinism, eugenics, race realism, game theory, psychometrics, and the critical insights of Moldbug’s thought in particular. All while Capital-AI deterritorializes consensus reality to bits.

Running through here is a hardening of Capital-AI against every conceivable threat to its momentum: the retarding drag of leftism, dysgenic trends, unchecked mass immigration, zombie apocalypse, and all manner of collapse and X-risk are entertained. Mostly as a courtesy to the time-bound. SkyNet is always already activated.

What’s in it for you and me? “Really, the honest answer to this question is: Eternal Hell. It’s not an easy marketing brief. We could perhaps try: But it could be worse (and almost certainly will be).”